Poems from Shyann Cooks

Im an amateur writer, avid reader, and a nyc high school junior. My main area of writing is "perspective writing ". If anyone wishes to know more my contact is via email @shyanncooks99@gmail.com
Every day is a struggle For most it's a routine Motions like the clock Any thing out of place Causing a ripple That eventually becomes a...
When the nights take over
When the sun goes downAnd the galaxy of light reveals itselfWe pick up a penWe have one thought That branches off...
Buy the ammo You'll get a discount Courtesy of the NRA You know, the people who sit on leather Wear silk And sip the finest wine Courtesy...
We are a classical chaos
We dance the dance
Swing the sword
And challenge duels to the newcomer
As a means of power and entertainment
"Shut up you slut! You like this! You love it!"
She screamed into my ear
Hot fiery breath
As if she ate hell for breakfast
And fucked me...